v7 beta documentation in progress. v7 beta documentation may be incomplete or inaccurate.
v7 functions and features may be significantly different from previous ACS versions.
These instructions are not valid for current v6+ ACS!
[ v7 Main ] [ v7 Gesture Controls ] [ Driver HUD ]
Commands to send to the root prim to relay to a connected vehicle as link messages on link channel 100:
(Capitalization must match)
- "Lights" turns on/off light
- "Key" turns on/off engine. (The "Engine" command also does this starting in v7.0)
- "Locking" locks/unlocks vehicle
- "Horn" triggers horn sound
- "Flight" turn on/off flight mode
- "Turbo" turn on/off turbo
- "NOS" triggers nitrous boost
- "Shift DOWN" shifts gear down
- "Shift UP" shifts gear up
- "Position" triggers the vehicle > Position menu
- "Park-" scrolls through the list of Park Animations and activates them if more than one park is installed
- "Park+" scrolls through the list of Park Animations and activates them if more than one park is installed
- "Passenger Menu" triggers the Passenger Prim menu if a Passenger Prim is installed
- "Passenger Sit" turns on/off any Passenger Prim
- "Eject" ejects any seated passenger
- "Alarm", turns on/off the alarm
- "Alarm Test" test sequence of the alarm system
- "StartParked" turns on/off the Start Parked feature
- "Camera", triggers the camera menu
- "Cam A", activates FolowCam preset A
- "Cam B", activates FolowCam preset B
- "Cam C", activates FolowCam preset C
- "Menu" triggers the main menu
- "Record" - records the current vehicle position
- "Return" - returns the vehicle to the recorded position
- "Align" - race align, aligns the vehicle to the closest 90 degree direction (nearest 45 degrees in v7.0+)
- "NOS/Recvr" toggles the NOS/Recvr setting
- "Recover" - performs a vehicle recover lift
- "Rev" - triggers the "Rev" sound
- "Burnout" - activates burnout routine
- "Transmission" toggles the Transmission style in engines that have the automatic transmission feature
- "Shift Style" toggles the gear shifting keys
- "Controls" - activates the > Controls menu
- "Part+" - changes sculpt-changer prims to the next stored map setup.
- "Part-" - changes sculpt-changer prims to the previous stored map setup.
- "Group" (NEW for v7) - switches Group Access setting on or off.
- "Wipers" (NEW for v7) - turn on/off windshield wipers if recorded
- "Fixtures" (NEW for V7) or "Hide" toggles the Hide/Show function
v7beta(B) and newer only
- "Cruise" (NEW for v7) - activate/de-activate cruise control
- "Fire" (NEW for v7) - fires a primary driver weapon, if one is assigned. See Combat.
- "Cam Type" (NEW for v7) - quickly swap between FollowCam and SportCam
- "Cam D" - activates SportCam preset D (NEW for v7)
- "Cam E" - activates SportCam preset E (NEW for v7)
- "Cam F" - activates SportCam preset F (NEW for v7)
- "Engine" - turns on/off engine. The original "Key" message also works. (NEW for v7)
- "Eject" - ejects any seated passengers. (NEW for v7)
- "Gestures" - if gestures are stored inside the vehicle, this delivers a folder containing them. (NEW for v7)
- "Get Help" - delivers a help notecard from the vehicle inventory (NEW for v7)
- (LSL color vector) - applies LSL color tint to a ColorSystem color group while a color group color select menu is active.
- Left - activates left indicator if ignition is on.
- Right - activates right indicator if ignition is on.
- All Doors Open - opens ALL doors,trunk,hood etc that use DoorSystem.
- All Doors Closed - closes ALL doors,trunk,hood etc that use DoorSystem.
Special HUD Commands: (NEW for v7)
These are only for use by the HUD.
- "Skin" - changes any preset skin on the HUD itself
- "Font" - changes any preset font on the HUD itself
- "Color Picker" - opens/closes the HUD color picker panel (v7.0)
Messages to adjust current seated position:
- "Reset Rot"
- "Tilt Down"
- "Lean Left"
- "Down XL"
- "Up XL"
- "Pos 2 All"
- "Reset Pos"
- "Tilt Up"
- "Lean Right"
- "Back XL"
- "Forward XL"
- "Reset All"
- "Left XL"
- "Left"
- "Turn Left"
- "Down"
- "Up"
- "Right XL"
- "Right"
- "Turn Right"
- "Backward"
- "Forward"
- "Flasher", on/off lights
- "Flash & Siren" on/off lights & siren
Custom Commands
If you have added a custom script to your vehicle, you can send custom commands to it using the Driver HUD and Gesture Control.
Any command sent through the system via the Driver HUD and Gesture Control that is not assigned to an ACS function in the above list, is sent to the linkset on channel 500. This allows you to add functions for your own custom scripts to the Driver HUD.
For example, if you have a custom script that makes your vehicle explode, have it monitor for the link message Explode, and add the Explode command to the Driver HUD or Gesture Control.
Your link message section of your custom script may look something like this:
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string message, key id)
if (message=="Explode")
//Do stuff here
Adding physical controls to vehicle dash
You can issue these commands directly from dash-mounted controls (or any prim linked to the vehicle). Send a link message to the root prim with the command as a message.
Here is an example for a dash mounted windshield wipers switch:
touch_start(integer total_number)
Channel 100 is a good unused channel. (Also see: API/Link Messages)
How to make your own custom menu for v7 using the API commands
[ v7 Main ] [ v7 Gesture Controls ] [ Driver HUD ]