Required Root Prim Script
Optional Customizations
You can choose a default gear when sitting on the vehicle other than first by changing the StartingGear.
integer StartingGear = 2;
Although switchable via the menu, you can choose your gear shifting style at the top of the ** Engine** script around line 48:
integer O_S_C = FALSE; //SHIFT STYLE. Default FALSE. Set to TRUE to use E/C keys for gear shifting instead of shift + arrowkeys. Use back arrow plus E for wheelie.
If you want the vehicle to turn in place without being in motion, you can set TurnWhileStopped to TRUE
integer TurnWhileStopped = TRUE;
You may want to change the default text presented by the vehicle. Simply change the text that appears between the quote marks.
string Msg_Ride = "Drive"; //Command to ride chopper on Pie Menu
string Msg_Start = "Hello there!"; //Greeting message. Set to "" to disable.
string Msg_End = "That's a load off"; //End message when exiting. Set to "" to disable.
Here is where to customize the mouselook settings:
integer MBnk = TRUE; // TRUE or FALSE. Turn on banking mode for mouselook
integer Auto_Mouselook = FALSE; // TRUE or FALSE. Turn on mouselook automatically when seating.
integer Mo_Turn_Power = 500; //75// Mouselook Turning Power;